Donald E. McNutt, P.E.
He has been working for the ACPA since the beginning of 2018. As the North Central Region Engineer, he supports the producers in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia to advance the ACPA Strategic Plan. Working with their market teams to build relationships with DOT, Country, and Municipality Engineers/Decision-makers to protect good specifications or improve specifications for the benefit of reinforced concrete pipe and boxes. He is active in the education committee with regards to the P3 program, PIPE Training Program, and the Annual Pipe School. Currently, he is an active voting member of ASTM C13.02 Reinforced Sewer and Culvert Pipe.
"It is awesome to be working in the industry that provides the strongest and longest-lasting drainage pipe products on the market. It is so rewarding to be on the side being chased and not doing the catching up."
Fun Fact: Growing up, his father was purchasing manager for Price Brothers Company which was a large privately-held producer of a variety of precast products such as sewer pipe, pressure pipe, and prestressed building components. He was not an engineer but worked with many engineers. His father encouraged him to become an engineer after seeing the many opportunities that engineers had. He did his college co-op with Price Brothers but didn't take a job with them after graduation. He was outside of the industry for four years. He had the opportunity to be a Design Engineer, Quality Control Manager, Engineering Manager, General Manager, and President/COO before joining ACPA. As his father said, he had awesome opportunities as an engineer and landed in the perfect place.