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Concrete Pipe: Undeniably Sustainable.

ACPA-Website-Homepage-Sustainable-Concrete-3Concrete pipe’s promise of durability, strength, and resilience makes it undeniably sustainable. Its robust and impact-resistant nature enables it to withstand and recover from natural disasters and other disruptions, minimizing its need for replacement or repair. Produced from natural, locally sourced, and recycled materials, it is a champion of the circular economy by boasting minimal waste and enduring longevity. Its production fortifies economies by providing long-term, stable, reliable jobs that foster community growth. With minimal maintenance required due to its unmatched strength and durability, concrete pipe is a cost-effective, low-disruption solution. Its proven 100+ year lifespan ensures it serves current and future generations while minimizing waste, resources, and future spending.

Historically, concrete is the most durable and sustainable material for infrastructure and major construction. It continues to function long after a projects life is reached, by maintaining structural integrity, thus reducing the costs associated with repair and replacement.

Precast concrete pipe’s staying power has another benefit; it’s not a passing fad. When concrete pipe is specified, the projects you build today are more likely to be compatible with any future expansions or alterations.


Proven Resilience
Concrete pipe’s sustainability is built on its proven resilience and its inherent ability to endure disruptive events.

Environmentally Friendly
It is made of natural, locally sourced, and recycled materials.

Circular Economy
Its minimal waste, longevity, and an ability to be continually recycled makes it a part of the circular economy

Community Building
The production of concrete pipe helps strengthen and grow the local economies through long-term, stable, and reliable jobs.

Minimum Maintenance
The durability and resilience of concrete pipe means that it requires minimum maintenance lowering the costs to community and disruption to the planet

Generational Life Span
With a proven life span of 100+ years, concrete pipe provides durability and long-lasting resilience significantly reducing waste and minimizing the resources needed by future generations