Software that helps get the job done.
The ACPA makes software available to the industry to help design projects and select the right materials. The PipePac® Software is developed in cooperation with other partners while Eriksson Pipe and Eriksson Culvert is developed by Eriksson Software. Working closely with Eriksson developers and a team of ACPA members and staff, the ACPA supports and recommend use of the Eriksson Software packages.
PipePac® Software helps you select the right material for buried infrastructure systems and lets you determine the real cost of materials over the design life of the project.
Compare Flow
Compare Flow is a mobile app that provides the ability to calculate hydraulic capacity and evaluate possible alternatives with respect to pipe shape and materials. Compare Flow uses the Manning Formula, the most widely accepted formula for evaluating the hydraulic capacity of non-pressure sewers.
Eriksson Pipe
Eriksson Pipe is a computer program that performs the structural analysis and design of circular and horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe. Internal dimensions of pipe culverts are sized based on hydraulic or other service requirements and are then structurally designed to support the weight of earth, live, or other loads that are imposed on them. Eriksson Pipe provides the structural analysis and reinforcing design. This method of design allows the user to obtain reinforcing steel areas for user-specified pipe geometry, material properties; and loading data.
Eriksson Culvert
Eriksson Culvert is the most advanced engineering software for precast and cast-in-place box culverts, seamlessly combining the functionality of a state-of-the-art structural analysis engine with fully automatic design and analysis capabilities. Integration of the critical design tasks into one system means you get superior productivity and flexibility with improved quality control.
PipePac Update
The PipePac® software is a costing and materials selection program that has recently been updated to incorporate the latest changes in the AASHTO and AREMA live load designs for buried concrete pipe.
PipePac® is developed and presented by the ACPA in cooperation with the Ontario Concrete Pipe Association (OCPA), Canadian Concrete Pipe Association (CCPA), Tubecon and Giffels Associates Limited.